Measure: 16 Cooperation
Type of Intervention: 16.4.1.
Support for supply chain cooperation, both horizontal and vertical, for the creation and development of short supply chains and local markets and support for local promotional activities related to the development of short supply chains and local markets – Reg. UE 1305/2013 – RDP of the Veneto – DGR No. 290 of 14/03/2017
Description of the operation:
Promotion and development of direct sales of agricultural and / or agri-food products of the Consortium members through the creation of activities and support services to agricultural companies. Regulation of the technical production and sales of direct sales activities according to the principles of self-regulation
– Creation of a covered space suitable for the distribution of agricultural products
– Animation activities with producers involved in the short chain
– Creation of a network among agricultural companies operating in the direct sale sector
– Cost of animation and of cooperation
Achieved results:
-A Consortium was established between the companies as a cooperation group
-The location to be used as a stable covered market and meeting point has been identified
– A systematic activity of animation, coordination and control of the cooperation group has been launched
-The number of direct producers participating in the covered market has been expanded
– A website has been implemented
– A new meeting point has been created between agricultural producers and consumers in the short chain
Amount financed: € 35,000.00
Initiative funded by the Rural Development Program for Veneto 2014-2020
Organ responsible for information: CONSORZIO AGRIMERCATO VICENZA
Managing authority: Veneto Region – Directorate EAD for Parks and Projects